Open Hours: Sat – Thu: 9 am. – 3 pm.
Open Hours: Sat – Thu: 9 am. – 3 pm.
MBBS, DCH, FCPS (Paediatrics), MPH (Epidemiology)
Professor & Head of the Department of Pediatrics
Specialty: Paediatric Neurology & Development
Unit In Charge: Paediatric Neurology & Development
MBBS, FCPS (Paediatrics)
Professor of Paediatrics
Specialty: Paediatric Pulmonology
In Charge: Paediatric Pulmonology
MBBS, MD (Paediatrics)
Associate Professor of Paediatrics
Specialty: Paediatric Cardiology
In Charge: Paediatric Cardiology & PICU
MBBS, MD (Pediatrics)
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
In Charge: General Paediatrics
MD (Paediatric Haemato-oncology)
Associate Professor of Paediatrics
Specialty: Pediatric Heamato-oncology
In Charge: Paediatric Heamato-oncology
Dr. Ifthakhar Ahmed
Associate Professor of Paediatrics.
Specialty: Paediatric Gastro-enterology
In Charge: Paediatric Gastro-enterology & Nutrition
MBBS, DCH. FCPS (Neonatology)
Associate Professor of Paediatrics
Specialty: Neonatology
In Charge: SCANU and NICU
MBBS, FCPS (Paediatrics), MD (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor of Paediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
MBBS, FCPS (Paediatrics),
MD ( Paediatric Cardiology)
Assistant Professor, Paediatrics
Specialty: Paediatric Cardiology
MBBS, DCH, FCPS (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor of Paediatrics.
Specialty: Paediatric Gastro-enterology & Nutrition
MBBS, DCH, FCPS (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor of Paediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
MBBS, FCPS, MD (Paediatric Neurology)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Specialty: Paediatric Neurology & Development
MBBS, DCH, MD (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.
Specialty: General Paediatrics
MBBS, DCH, MD (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.
Specialty: General Paediatrics
MBBS, MD (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Specialty: General Paediatrics
MBBS, MD (Paediatrics)
Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Specialty: General Paediatrics
Registrar, Pediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
Registrar, Paediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
Registrar, Paediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
MBBS, FCPS (Paediatrics)
Registrar, Paediatrics
Specialty: General Paediatrics
Our OPD is one of the busiest Pediatric OPD service in the country. Average around 500 children are getting services every day.We have a purpose built Paediatric out-patient department with six consultation chambers and a waiting area for 200 patients. The OPD also includes some specialized service centers like child asthma centre& Bronchoscopy, a centre for detection of heart disease (ECHO lab), audiometry unit , physiotherapy unit , Saleh Child Development and Disability Management Centre (SCDDMC) and the EPI center with newer vaccine , skin care & follow up clinic. ICMH also have another OPD set up at Jalkuri, Narayangong.
Medical record keeping is a unique feature of this Institute unlike any other government hospital of the country. Every patient attending the hospital is given a number (Medical Record Number, MRN) in the registration desk at the first appearance through a computer facilitated data entry program. With this recording the patients are linked to this Institute and the MRN is used for recording the chronology of one’s medical events to be utilized for future reference whenever required.
OPD specialist service in the evening was started from January 2017. Professor, Associate professor, Assistant professors are giving consultation from 3-5pm. This is a paid service within affordable range fixed up by authority. Half of the payments are deposited in the institute’s fund. Every day 30 to 35 chilrden are taking specialist service in the evening. After buying the ticket in the first day , they will get free consultation upto 14 days with the same ticket.
The children ward has 64 general beds( 32 paying and 32 non-payin). In addition there are 9 cabins, 30 special care baby unit (SCABU& SCANU) beds. Among the non paying beds 4 beds are allocated for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) unit. To ensure qualitaty care and effective services for the patient’s four units are running in pediatrics, headed by a consultant in each. Respective junior doctors and registrar’s remains alert during IPD service to pick up very sick children for providing immediate attention. Assistant registrars providing 24 hours IPD services in three shifts and they are always in touch with respective registrars and consultant in any emergencies. Consultants are also providing evening round. Investigation facilities include all routine biochemical and bacteriological examinations, x-rays, ultrasound as well as doppler echocardiography, bronchoscopy and spirometry. There is one major teaching ward round per week for the students, supervised and led by the consultants of the respective paediatric faculty. A daily routine ward round is also conducted by registrars and the consultant of the individual units.
Children are immunized according to the national EPI schedule in this centre. The newer vaccines like MMR, HIB, Chicken pox, Typhoid, Hepatitis-A, Hepatitis-B is available at the extended centre on payment. In 2015 about 16,331 children vaccinated as per national EPI schedule and 1697 children got newer vaccination from our extended vaccination centre.
ICMH is one of the partner agencies for the National ECD Programme of GoB and UNICEF since 2001.
Dr. Wahida Khanam, Professor of Pediatrics of ICMH is the focal person of this project. Under this project we have two play corners for the sick children within the institute. One play corner is at Pediatric OPD and another at Pediatric IPD. These play corners is open from 9 am to 2 pm every day except holidays. They are also well facilitated with child friendly toys and materials and the presence of the children in these centers are supervised by a supervisor.
Malnutrition is a great problem in our country. Mothers and children are the main sufferers of the problem. ICMH is pledge bound to improve the health and nutrition of mother and children and therefore SAM unit is created to deal with the problem. Worldwide 16% children of the total population are suffering from SAM.According to the state of the world children 2016, UNICEF mortality rate from SAM is 30% - 50% throughout the world. Government has already taken different steps to address this problem and SAM unit is one of them. SAM unit has been working since July 2014 in ICMH, There are five beds allocated for these malnourished children. There is a team comprising one consultant, one assistant registrar (NRU), one nutritionist, two feeding assistants to support these patients. In 2016 total patient adimssion- 134 and in 2017 total patient admission – 158.
The activities of SAM unit are given below.
Treat the SAM patient.
Store the food after cooking.
Daily weight measurement and health check up.
Counseling about nutrition and disease.
Established Re-lactation below 6 month children.
Send monthly report to DG health.
Teach mother how to make food and home care of child.
Follow up after discharge.
ICMH has a very strong Epidemiology and Biostatistics faculty which enhances our capacity to do research. Faculty members also have strong background on research. They are guiding the Thesis and Dissertation of the post graduate students. In 2016 & 2017 total six researches were complited successfully.
Some of the Research Done Are Mentioned Below. (Research Title & PI are Mentioned)
1. Seizure Recurrence and Developmental Outcome of Newborn with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Stage-II in Relation to Continuation and Discontinuation of Phenobarbitone Therapy - Bijoy Kumar Saha
2. Serum Electrolytes Status of Neonates with Perinatal Asphyxia with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy admitted at neonatal unit of ICMH - Dr. Md Monzurul Karim
3. Neurodevelopmental Comorbidities in Children with Epilepsy in a Tertiary Care Hospital - Dr. Umme Saima Hossain
4. Determinants of Inappropriate Complementary Feeding Practice among the Children Aged 6 Months upto 2 years Attending at ICMH - Md. Amir Hossain
5. Childhood Acute Bacterial Meningitis: Prognostic Factors for Acute Neurological Complications and Developmental Outcome - Dr. Shahedul Islam
6. Risk factors , EEG Findings and Outcome of Complex Febrile Seizure : Experience in Child Neurology Follow Up Clinic at ICMH - Dr Sabrina Farah Mouree
Teaching Programmes
Faculty have regular continuous professional development programme (CPD) to update the knowledge and skill of the working doctors. There is weekly academic schedule strictly maintained here. As a part we have regular clinical meetings on Monday . Under the supervision of a consultant, the junior doctor or student first present the case and then another senior doctor or student gives an overview with most recent information. At the faculty class room in presence of all faculties and working doctors,junior doctor or studentof responsible unit’s present the admitting cases in the following morning which is known as morning session. There is also some weekly programs run by the junior doctor and studentunder guidance of faculties at faculty class room like journal club on Tuesday morning, Death Review on Sunday morning and difficult case discussion on Thursday morning.
Postgraduate courses in Paediatrics
Faculty is running DCH and MD courses. MD Residency Course has been started from March, 2014 and DCH course start from July session each year. Number of students admitted in each batch was ten. Students have to take part in all academic activities. Now there are 60 postgraduate students under Pediatrics. There is specific class schedule for
ICMH has unique facilities for training. There are even facilities for long term residential training. So far, Pediatric faculty conducts many traning programme in collaboration with Traning department and Obstetrics and Gynaecology faculty. Important training programme co-ordinated on 2016-17 from Pediatric Faculty were IMCI for paramedics and doctors, ETAT training, KMC, BFHI, Competency Based Training in Nutrition (CBTN).
This service was started from May, 2015 at room no-112 (OPD) Pediatrics. The consultants/Registrars and Resident students has been running this clinic. Operating time is from 11;00 am to 1:30pm.
To develop Paediatric subspecialties in ICMH in future.
To provide comprehensive care of children attending IPD.
To develop community linkage with the hospital service.
To create opportunities for quality research.
Name of the subspecialties:
General Paediatrics ( Genetic, infectious diseases), Pulmonology, Cardiology, Haemato-oncology, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Neurology and Child Development, Nephrology, Neonatology, Endocrinology & Rheumatology
Follow up of paediatric patient who were admitted inpatient (IPD) department of ICMH.
Patient care for the referred patient in different subspecialties of Paediatrics from other hospitals.
This is a very special centre for the developmentally challenged children& children with Autism. Children with wide range of Neuro- developmental problems like cerebral palsy, motor delay, mental retardation, speech delay, visual and hearing impairment, Epilepsy, Autism& other behavioral problems etc are evaluated and managed at the SCDDMC. There is a strong team including child neurologists, developmental specialists, psychologist developmental therapists, speech therapists, audiometricians, counselor are working with these developmentally challenged children. The cases are followed up subsequently through this centre. The treatment is offered at a very low cost.
Saleh Child Development and Disability Management Centre SCDDMC established in June, 2001 at ICMH and successfully completed 14 years of its service. The main aim of the centre is to promote Early Child Development and Management of Neuro-developmental problems, impairments and disabilities. The centre is giving service through a skilled and multidisciplinary team including Child Neurologist, Developmental therapist, Psychologist and others. The clients are followed up subsequently through this centre.
Objectives :
Promoting of normal development of children.
Early identification of developmental delays & impairments .
Early intervention to reduce disabilities.
Ensuring quality care.
Conducting essential research to enhance quality of care.
Human resource development through training in the area of child development.
Building a network with other national and international child development centers.
Clinical Services
Neuro-developmental assessment & management
Developmental therapy
Speech therapy
Psychological assessment, counseling and Autism Clinic run by Psychologist
Epilepsy Management (Epilepsy Clinic)
Hearing assessment
Special follow up ( for high risk new born. HIE, meningitis ,Hypothyroidism
Down’s syndrome etc.
Weekly Service Schedule:
Neuro Developmental Assessment (NDA):
Sunday, Monday& Wednesday: Neuro Developmental Assessment (NDA) on previous appointment
Follow up Clinic:
Saturday: Developmental Therapy & Psychological Assessment and Speech Clinic
Tuesday: Epilepsy Clinic, Speech Clinic&Autism Follow-up
Thursday: Speech Therapy &Followup for highrisk newborn & Others
Audiometric Clinic: everyday as need
Special Clinics of SCDDMC:
Epilepsy Clinic: A multidisciplinary team approach was applied for diagnosis and management. International Classification of Epileptic Seizures (Modified ILAE, 2017) was followed.Every Tuesday is the day for ‘Epilepsy Clinic’. Management strategy follows proper diagnosis, appropriate selection of anti-epileptic medication and necessary dose adjustment at required intervals. Everytime counseling of parents is continued for good compliance from parents side.
Speech Clinic: After Neuro-Developmental Assessment (NDA), identified children with speech and communication problem are scheduled to be attended by speech therapist on different day (every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday).
Audiometry Clinic: Audiometry service includes hearing assessment by trained audiometrician using different types of testing by different equipment’s.
Psychological Assessment and Counseling Service: All attending children are almost supposed to undergo Psychological Screening at first day duringNeuro-Developmental Assessment(NDA).After that psychologist selects and fixes adate to apply different standardized testsand tools for measuring intellectual functioning level (IQ) and behavioural status of individual child. Counseling is arranged after labelling the child’s cognitive status to provide appropriate guidelines.
Classification of Diagnostic criteria ICD 10, DSM-5and Specific ADOS-2 assessment are used to identify Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Then psychologist set different interventional strategies (Home based) for individual child & with regular follow up.Internationally recognized program MTW (More Than Words) is applied with other interventional strategies.
Physiotherapy unit: This unit is providing physiotherapy to the physically challenged children and children with pulmonary conditions where it is necessary. One
physiotherapist is working in the centre.
Epilepsy Clinic
Neuro-Developmental Assessment
Speech Therapy
Hearing Assessment
Psychological Assessment & Counseling
Developmental Therapy
Started since: May 2015
Schedule: Every Monday from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
The children with different neurodevelopmental problems were referred to the neurology follow-up clinic. They are referred patient from IPD, OPD, EEG Lab and SCDDMC.
Type of Service
Diagnosis and management of new patients
Follow-up of old patient
What is EEG:
Electroencephalography (EEG) in an electrophysiological monitoring to record electrical activity of the brain. It is usually non-invasive with the electrodes placed over the scalp. In clinical contexts, EEG reports to the recording of brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a period of time.
Patient preparation:
Scalp and hair should be washed with shampoo befor doing EEG.
Record must be taken in both sleep and awake state. So previous 2-3 nights sleep deprivation is needed.
Patient should not be hungry during EEG recording.
Indications of EEG:
To diagnose epilepsy and its type
To diagnose brain dysfunction
F/up of epilepsy patient
To diagnose any cerebral structured abnormality
To diagnose sleep disorders
To diagnose encephalopathies
To measure depth of anesthesia
T diagnose coma and brain death
History of EEG:
In Bangladesh, Paediatric EEG was f first started in 1995.
EEG in ICMH: In ICH, EEG was started since 4th November 2017. In the year 2017 total 132 EEG were being done in 2 months.
EEG schedule date and time in ICMH
EEG is going on six working days per a week (Saturday to Thursday) from 8:30 AM to 2:30PM)
A child asthma centre is functioning in OPD for the management of asthma children and other respiratory illness like cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, infantile wheeze, tuberculosis. In 2016 and 2017 a total number of children 3996 among them nebulization done in 3908 and sweat test done in 88 children. Bronchoscopy started in November, 2017 and total number of bronchoscopy was done 7 and laryngoscopy was done 1.
The following services are available:
Spiromentry (Paediatric)- doing spirometry for asthma children for diagnosis and follow up the child to see the drug complaince for asthma children.
Peak Flow Meter- we use peak flow meter to see the drug complaince for asthma children.
Nebulization – we nebulize the respiratory distress patient giving all sort of solution like salbutamol, ipratromium bromide, 3% sodium chloride, budisonide, adrenalin etc.
Paediatric Bronchoscopy Service: (Olympus) for the diagnosis of unexplained cough, stridor, foreign body aspiration, cystic fibrosis, laryngomalacia, non resolving pneumonia, persistent collapse consolidation, pulmonary TB. Taking the bronchoalveolar lavage for the diagnosis of different respiratory illness.
Sweat Chloride Test- for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.
Asthma Education and Follow-up: Children with asthma came here to get proper management. Asthma counselor provides education to the parents regarding the use of different devices for asthma treatment. Regular follow-up of these children are performed here by the asthma team.
Inauguration of Pulmonology Ward in December 20, 2018
Special Demonstration Session (Video FOB)
Asthma Center OPD Service
Services Available: Spirometry (Paediatrics)
Peak Flow Meter
Paediatric Bronchoscopy Service
Sweat Chloride Test
Dr. Md Delwar Hossain Receiving Best Scientific Presentation, PROF. MD. RUHUL AMIN AWARD at BPPF in 2017
Fiber Optic Bronchoscopy Workshop
Spirometry Test Ongoing
This centre is putting effort for early diagnosis of congenital heart disease, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease by taking history, doing physical examination, ECG and Color Doppler Echocardiography. The trained paediatric cardiologist Dr. Md Nazmul Hossain & Dr. Ahmed Nazmul Anam, Dr. Md Monzurul Karim are working in this center. Clinical and basic researches are going on.
Dr. Nazmul Hossain Conducting Echocardiography
The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at the Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH) in Bangladesh is a specialized medical facility dedicated to the care of critically ill infants, children, and adolescents. Here's an overview of its key aspects:
Facilities and EquipmentAdvanced Medical Equipment: The PICU is equipped with state-of-the-art medical devices to monitor and treat critically ill children, including ventilators, infusion pumps, and advanced monitoring systems.
Specialized Care Units: The PICU has isolation rooms for patients with infectious diseases, and specialized areas for post-operative care and specific medical conditions.
Medical StaffTrained Specialists: The unit is staffed by paediatric intensivists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are specially trained in pediatric critical care.
Multidisciplinary Team: The care team often includes paediatricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, respiratory therapists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, and social workers.
Services OfferedEmergency Care: The PICU provides immediate and intensive care for children with life-threatening conditions such as severe infections, trauma, respiratory distress, and congenital abnormalities.
Post-Surgical Care: Specialized care for children recovering from major surgeries.
Chronic Illness Management: Intensive monitoring and treatment for children with chronic illnesses that require complex and continuous care.
Support Services: Psychological support for both patients and their families to help them cope with the stress of critical illness.
Training and ResearchEducation Programs: The PICU at ICMH also serve as a training center for medical students, residents, and fellows in pediatric intensive care.
Research Initiatives: The unit is involved in clinical research to improve the outcomes and quality of care for critically ill children.
Community ImpactOutreach Programs: The PICU often engages in community outreach to educate the public on paediatric health issues and the importance of timely medical intervention for critically ill children.
Support Networks: Collaboration with non-governmental organizations and other institutions to provide comprehensive care and support to families in need.
The PICU at ICMH plays a crucial role in providing life-saving care to children in Bangladesh, contributing significantly to the health and well-being of the pediatric population in the region.
The 20th Annual Conference of the Paediatric Cardiac Society of India (PCSI), Raipur, India
Paediatric Cardiology Team After a Successful Operation
Fellowship Training, Narayanan Hospital, India
MoU Signing with China Kunming Hospital & Paediatric Cardiology of ICMH, Bangladesh
Paediatric Cardiology Society Conference, Guangzhou, China
Conference Of Paediatric Cardiac Society, National Heart Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
23rd Annual Conference Of Pediatric Cardiac Society Of India (PCSI), Kolkata, India
Workshop on Screening of Patients having Congenital Heart Disease for Surgical Intervention
Organized Jointly by:
Paediatric Cardiology Department of ICMH, Bangladesh & Marengo Asia Hospital, India
Workshop on Oxygen Therapy
Organized by: Paediatric Cardiology Department of ICMH
General Pediatrics at the Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH) in Bangladesh focuses on the overall health and well-being of infants, children, and adolescents. Here is an overview of the services and aspects related to general pediatrics at ICMH:
Facilities and ServicesOutpatient Department (OPD): The OPD provides routine check-ups, immunizations, and treatment for common childhood illnesses. It serves as the first point of contact for many pediatric patients.
Inpatient Department (IPD): The IPD caters to children who require hospitalization for various medical conditions, offering round-the-clock care and monitoring.
Neonatal Care: Specialized care for newborns, including those born prematurely or with congenital conditions, is provided in the neonatal unit.
Emergency Services: The pediatric emergency department is equipped to handle acute medical conditions, injuries, and other urgent health issues in children.
Preventive CareImmunization Programs: Regular vaccination schedules to prevent common childhood diseases, conducted in line with national health guidelines.
Growth and Development Monitoring: Regular assessments to track the physical and developmental milestones of children, ensuring early detection and intervention for any issues.
Specialized ClinicsNutrition and Dietetics: Counseling and treatment for malnutrition and dietary-related issues to ensure proper growth and development.
Childhood Obesity: Programs focused on managing and preventing obesity in children through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.
Asthma and Allergy Clinics: Specialized care for children with respiratory issues, including asthma and allergies.
Health Education and CounselingParental Guidance: Providing education and resources to parents on child health, nutrition, and safety.
Behavioral and Psychological Support: Services to support the mental health and emotional well-being of children, including counseling for behavioral issues and family therapy.
Research and TrainingClinical Research: Engaging in research to improve pediatric care practices and outcomes. This includes studies on common pediatric illnesses, treatment protocols, and preventive measures.
Training Programs: Offering training for medical students, interns, and residents in general pediatrics, ensuring a continuous supply of well-trained pediatricians.
Community OutreachHealth Camps: Conducting health camps and outreach programs in rural and underserved areas to provide pediatric care and raise awareness about child health.
Public Health Initiatives: Collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations to implement public health programs targeting child health and wellness.
Multidisciplinary ApproachIntegrated Care: Collaboration with other departments such as pediatric surgery, neurology, cardiology, and endocrinology to provide comprehensive care for children with complex medical conditions.
The General Pediatrics department at ICMH plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of children in Bangladesh, providing a wide range of services from preventive care to specialized treatments.
Emergency of ICMH
Paediatric Ward of ICMH
Unit In Charge: Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Haque
The Dengue Unit at the Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH) in Bangladesh is specialized in managing and treating dengue fever, particularly focusing on paediatric cases. Here’s an overview of the services and aspects related to the Dengue Unit at ICMH:
Facilities and Services
Dengue Ward: A specialized ward equipped to handle dengue cases, providing focused care and monitoring for children affected by the disease.
Outpatient Services: Evaluation and treatment of suspected dengue cases, including diagnostic testing and follow-up care.
Inpatient Care: Hospitalization services for severe cases of dengue that require intensive monitoring and treatment, including management of complications like dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.
Diagnostic Services
Laboratory Testing: Comprehensive diagnostic services including blood tests to confirm dengue infection, monitor platelet counts, and assess liver function. Tests include NS1 antigen detection, IgM, and IgG antibodies.
Imaging Services: Access to ultrasound and other imaging modalities to monitor for complications such as fluid accumulation and organ enlargement.
Treatment and Management
Symptomatic Treatment: Administration of fluids, pain relievers, and antipyretics to manage symptoms and prevent complications.
Monitoring and Support: Close monitoring of vital signs, hydration status, and blood parameters to detect and manage complications early.
Intensive Care: Availability of intensive care units (ICUs) for severe cases requiring advanced support, including management of shock, bleeding, and organ dysfunction.
Preventive Measures
Public Health Education: Programs aimed at educating the community about dengue prevention, such as eliminating mosquito breeding sites and using protective measures like mosquito nets and repellents.
Vector Control: Collaboration with public health authorities to implement mosquito control measures in and around the hospital and community.
Research and Training
Epidemiological Studies: Conducting research to understand the patterns, risk factors, and impact of dengue fever in the pediatric population.
Clinical Trials: Participation in clinical trials to evaluate new treatments and interventions for dengue fever.
Training Programs: Educational initiatives for healthcare providers to enhance their knowledge and skills in diagnosing and managing dengue fever, particularly in children.
Community Outreach
Awareness Campaigns: Initiatives to raise awareness about dengue fever, its symptoms, and preventive measures within the community.
School Programs: Educational sessions in schools to teach children and their families about dengue prevention and early recognition of symptoms.
Support Services
Counseling and Education: Providing counseling to patients and their families about the disease, treatment plans, and preventive measures to reduce anxiety and ensure adherence to medical advice.
Nutritional Support: Guidance on maintaining proper nutrition during and after dengue infection to support recovery.
Collaboration and Partnerships
Public Health Collaboration: Working with governmental and non-governmental organizations to enhance dengue surveillance, response, and prevention efforts.
International Partnerships: Engaging with international health organizations and research institutions to stay updated on the latest developments in dengue management and to participate in global efforts to combat the disease.
The Dengue Unit at ICMH is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for children with dengue fever, focusing on early diagnosis, effective treatment, and prevention, while also contributing to research and community education efforts to reduce the impact of dengue fever in Bangladesh.
Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Haque Discussing Patient Care with His Team at Denue Ward
Regular Patient Follow Up by Senior Doctors at Denue Ward
Every Patient’s Treatment Plan is Carefully Implemented & Regularly Monitored at Denue Ward
Paediatric Hemato-oncology at the Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH) in Bangladesh is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and research of blood disorders and cancers in children. Here's an overview of the services and aspects related to paediatric hemato-oncology at ICMH:
Facilities and ServicesOutpatient and Inpatient Care: The department provides both outpatient and inpatient services for children with hematological and oncological conditions. Outpatient services include regular check-ups, chemotherapy sessions, and follow-up care, while inpatient services cater to children requiring hospitalization for intensive treatments.
Conditions TreatedHematological Disorders: Treatment for a variety of blood disorders including anemia, thalassemia, sickle cell disease, hemophilia, and other bleeding or clotting disorders.
Paediatric Cancers: Comprehensive care for various types of childhood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma, Wilms' tumor, and brain tumors.
Diagnostic ServicesLaboratory Services: Advanced laboratory facilities for blood tests, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, cytogenetic studies, and molecular diagnostics to accurately diagnose and monitor hematological and oncological conditions.
Imaging Services: Access to imaging modalities like X-rays and ultrasound for the diagnosis and staging of cancers.
Multidisciplinary ApproachTeam-Based Care: A multidisciplinary team of pediatric oncologists, hematologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and specialized nurses work together to provide comprehensive care.
Supportive Care: Services such as pain management, nutritional support, psychological counseling, and social work to support the overall well-being of the child and their family.
Treatment ModalitiesChemotherapy: Administration of chemotherapy drugs to treat various cancers and hematological conditions, tailored to the specific needs of each patient.
Radiation Therapy: Access to radiation therapy for the treatment of certain types of cancers, performed in collaboration with specialized centers.
Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy: Use of advanced therapies like targeted therapy and immunotherapy to treat specific types of cancers with precision medicine approaches.
Research and TrainingClinical Trials: Participation in clinical trials to explore new treatments and improve existing protocols for pediatric hematology and oncology.
Training Programs: Education and training for medical students, residents, and fellows in pediatric hemato-oncology to build expertise in this specialized field.
Community Outreach and SupportAwareness Programs: Initiatives to raise awareness about childhood cancers and blood disorders, promoting early detection and treatment.
Future DirectionsExpansion of Services: Continuous efforts to expand and upgrade facilities and services, including advanced diagnostic tools, treatment options, and patient care amenities.
Collaboration and Partnerships: Building partnerships with national and international organizations to enhance treatment protocols, training, and research opportunities.
The Paediatric Hemato-oncology department at ICMH is committed to providing high-quality, compassionate care to children with blood disorders and cancers, aiming to improve outcomes and quality of life for its patients and their families.