Staffs of Faculty of Laboratory Medicine are rendering services with the available resources as far as possible. Faculty of Laboratory Medicine Comprises:
1. Department of Biochemistry.
2. Department of Microbiology.
3. Department of Pathology.
  3.1 Clinical Pathology.
  3.2 Histopathology.
4. Blood Bank.
Activities of the Faculty:Â Patient care services.
Types of services:-
1. Routine haematological investigation.
2. Biochemical analysis of blood, urine, CSF and other body fluid.
3. Routine investigation of urine and stool.
4. Serological investigation.
5. Culture and sensivity of clinical material.
6. Microbiological stain for detection of micro-organism.
7. Cytology of body fluid.
8. FNAC of different organs.
9. Histopathology.