Maksuda Yeasmine
ICMH School of Nursing and MidwiferyThe ICMH Midwifery institute is an important part of institute of child and mother health (ICMH). This institute produces skill midwives, to provide services to the hospital, develop motherâs health and decrease infant mortality rate.
Three years diploma in midwifery courses start from January 2016. Bangladesh government recognized this Institute as a centre of excellence in health service. We got permission for running the course with 30 students in October, 2015 and we are started the course from January .2016 . Better care of Antenatal, post natal and neonatal. A midwife role play From conceive to deliver the baby
ICMH School of Nursing and Midwifery
Course Curriculum
Year 1 semester :I-
Psychology of Human BehaviorGeneral biology.English IIntroduction to Computer.Communication in Midwifery. Anatomy and physiology. Microbiology   Year I semester: 2
Fundamental of Midwifery.Professional frameworks.Midwifery practice I.Midwifery practice II.Normal Neonate.Biostatistics and epidemiology.Year 2 semester. 3
English IIThe art & science of midwifery IWomen`s health and Family Planning.Midwifery practiceResearch and evidence based midwifery.Year 3Â Semester 4
The art & science of midwifery II.Midwifery practice 4.Maternal health problem.Complicated Maternity Experience I.Midwifery practice 7Midwifery course in future-
After finishing the Three years diploma in midwifery course they can attain B Sc in midwifery and M Sc. In midwifery.