Jalkuri Hospital
A model Health and Family Welfare Centre (H&FWC) for service, training and research: an opportunity for community service

The Jalkuri branch of the Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH) is located 4 km from the main branch of ICMH, Matuail. It was initially zero population growth center of family planning department of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW).
The center was handed over to the Project Director of ICMH by the Secretary, MOHFW and it was renovated in the year 1994. Since then OPD services for mother and children have been running at the center. The daily attendance of children is around 100-150 and that of mothers 70-100. Initially, we could provide some investigative and radiological services for the children and mothers but those services was stopped because of fund and manpower constraints. Now only outdoor consultation services are available there.
The center also function as a research center to provide data base for common illnesses affecting the mother and children living in the vicinity. There is immense demand of the local people who donated land for the hospital for receiving minimum health care services out of this hospital. The MOHFW has directed to ICMH authority to develop the center as a model Health and Family Welfare Centre (H& FWC) to organize the OPD services for mother and children and also for training of health care providers for different health programs directed to children and mothers.
We are trying to reorganize the center. Hopefully some new and old services will be started there from next year. We are trying to make this center as a model center of its kind showing all the activities in different aspects of patient care, training and research for children and mothers.
The center was handed over to the Project Director of ICMH by the Secretary, MOHFW and it was renovated in the year 1994. Since then OPD services for mother and children have been running at the center. The daily attendance of children is around 100-150 and that of mothers 70-100. Initially, we could provide some investigative and radiological services for the children and mothers but those services was stopped because of fund and manpower constraints. Now only outdoor consultation services are available there.
The center also function as a research center to provide data base for common illnesses affecting the mother and children living in the vicinity. There is immense demand of the local people who donated land for the hospital for receiving minimum health care services out of this hospital. The MOHFW has directed to ICMH authority to develop the center as a model Health and Family Welfare Centre (H& FWC) to organize the OPD services for mother and children and also for training of health care providers for different health programs directed to children and mothers.
We are trying to reorganize the center. Hopefully some new and old services will be started there from next year. We are trying to make this center as a model center of its kind showing all the activities in different aspects of patient care, training and research for children and mothers.
Outdoor Paid
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Indoor Paid
Patient Served
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Patient Served
Non-paying Indoor
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